installing google-cloud-sdk on apple silicon m1 (early 2021)

If you were to attempt to install google-cloud-sdk natively (via Homebrew) on Apple Silicon, you'd get the following error:

$ brew install --cask google-cloud-sdk
# etc...
==> Installing Cask google-cloud-sdk
Beginning update. This process may take several minutes.
ERROR: (gcloud.components.update) The following components are unknown [kuberun, anthoscli].
==> Purging files for version latest of Cask google-cloud-sdk
# etc...

The general consensus points to running gcloud under Rosetta 2 for now (Example StackOverflow comment). However, thanks to this particular comment on Reddit, I've been able to get google-cloud-sdk working just fine! The trick is to just modify the install script for google-cloud-sdk. To do this, you'll want to run:

$ brew edit --cask google-cloud-sdk

The default content should be something like this:

cask "google-cloud-sdk" do
  # etc...
  postflight do
    system_command "#{staged_path}/#{token}/",
                   args: [
                     "--usage-reporting", "false", "--bash-completion", "false", "--path-update", "false",
                     "--rc-path", "false", "--quiet"
                   env:  { "CLOUDSDK_PYTHON" => Formula["python"].opt_bin/"python3" }
  # etc...

What you'll want to do here is append the arguments --override-components core to the system_command directive, like so:

<                      "--rc-path", "false", "--quiet"
>                      "--rc-path", "false", "--quiet", "--override-components", "core"

After this, gcloud should have installed perfectly! 🥳 Assuming of course that you have sourced the & files as prompted by the brew command.

You can investigate additional components that can be installed by running gcloud components list:

?                                              Components                                              ?
?     Status    ?                      Name                      ?            ID            ?   Size   ?
? Not Installed ? BigQuery Command Line Tool                     ? bq                       ?  < 1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? Cloud Datalab Command Line Tool                ? datalab                  ?  < 1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? Cloud Datastore Emulator                       ? cloud-datastore-emulator ? 18.4 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? Cloud Firestore Emulator                       ? cloud-firestore-emulator ? 41.5 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator                         ? pubsub-emulator          ? 56.4 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? gcloud Alpha Commands                          ? alpha                    ?  < 1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? gcloud Beta Commands                           ? beta                     ?  < 1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? gcloud app Java Extensions                     ? app-engine-java          ? 59.6 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? gcloud app PHP Extensions                      ? app-engine-php           ? 21.9 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? gcloud app Python Extensions                   ? app-engine-python        ?  6.1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? gcloud app Python Extensions (Extra Libraries) ? app-engine-python-extras ? 27.1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? kubectl                                        ? kubectl                  ?  < 1 MiB ?
? Not Installed ? pkg                                            ? pkg                      ?          ?
? Installed     ? Cloud SDK Core Libraries                       ? core                     ? 16.1 MiB ?
? Installed     ? Cloud Storage Command Line Tool                ? gsutil                   ?  3.5 MiB ?

In my case, I was able to install the gsutil component by running gcloud components install gsutil. Additional components will be subject to it working for Apple Silicon for now until a supported update becomes available.