rewriting "gnome screenshot locations"

I know I previously said that I'd follow up my rewriting "night light slider" article with that detailing the write up of the preferences panel,

This article would be followed up by a write-up of the preferences panel rewrite

...but I am a true open source developer that lacks accountability! And lack accountability, I do. My last "Screenshot Locations" update was on the 14th of November 2017, and even that was but a metadata bump to support GNOME 3.26.

# Even the repository had moved since!
# remote: This repository moved. Please use the new location:
# remote:
# remote:

The Screenshot Locations extension works (or rather worked) by remapping GNOME's default screenshot keys to calls to GNOME screenshot, which should respect the value set at /org/gnome/gnome-screenshot/auto-save-directory.

const screenshotKeys = [
    name: 'area-screenshot',
    shortcut: '<Shift>Print',
    command: 'gnome-screenshot -a'
  // etc
    name: 'window-screenshot-clip',
    shortcut: '<Ctrl><Alt>Print',
    command: 'gnome-screenshot -w -c'

The extension does so because curiously, GNOME Shell does not actually use GNOME Screenshot to create screenshots. Instead, referring to the gnome-shell repository, we find a ScreenshotService defined at js/ui/screenshot.js. In both GNOME 3.36 and 3.38, a generator function called __resolveRelativeFilename is used to generate file names for the stream of screenshots that will be created.

*_resolveRelativeFilename(filename) {
    filename = filename.replace(/\.png$/, '');

    let path = [
    ].find(p => GLib.file_test(p, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS));

    if (!path)
        return null;

    yield Gio.File.new_for_path(
        GLib.build_filenamev([path, `${filename}.png`]));

    for (let idx = 1; ; idx++) {
        yield Gio.File.new_for_path(
            GLib.build_filenamev([path, `${filename}-${idx}.png`]));

This can be confirmed by running the following code in Looking Glass:

r(0).next().value.get_path() // Notice how this appends a number after the first invocation

Or visually,

Trying out the resolveRelativeFilename generator in Looking Glass

the rewrite

The approach for the extension this time is to override the _resolveRelativeFilename generator, injecting a user-provided directory instead of defaulting to the hard-coded values set by GNOME. I opted for writing my own schema instead of reusing the value from GNOME Screenshot at /org/gnome/gnome-screenshot/auto-save-directory.

  <schema id="" path="/org/gnome/shell/extensions/screenshotlocations/">
    <key name="save-directory" type="s">
      <summary>Screenshot directory</summary>
      <description>Manage where screenshots are saved</description>

Patching the generator is as simple as adding the save-directory value to the list of seek-paths in the generator,

     let path = [
+        this._preferences.get_string('save-directory'),
     ].find(p => GLib.file_test(p, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS));

..where the main function of the extension is to just perform this override:

class Extension {
    constructor() {
        this._preferences = ExtensionUtils.getSettings();

    enable() {
        Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._original_resolveRelativeFilename = Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._resolveRelativeFilename;
        Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._resolveRelativeFilename = this._resolveRelativeFilenameOverride.bind(this);

    disable() {
        Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._resolveRelativeFilename = Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._original_resolveRelativeFilename;
        delete Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._original_resolveRelativeFilename;

    *_resolveRelativeFilenameOverride(filename) {
        // etc

Except that did not work.

GNOME Extensions reporting that imports.ui.main.shellDBusService is null

Digging into the gnome-shell repository, we find that the _initializeUI function, which in turn initializes all extensions, is called before the shellDBusService is even initialized.

// etc
shellDBusService = new ShellDBus.GnomeShell();

The correct way to detect when shellDBusService is initialized would to over-engineer a solution, so instead I used a hack that ever JavaScript developer loves, setTimeout.

enable() {
    GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0, () => {
        Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._original_resolveRelativeFilename = Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._resolveRelativeFilename;
        Main.shellDBusService._screenshotService._resolveRelativeFilename = this._resolveRelativeFilenameOverride.bind(this);

The amazing thing here is that because everything is run on a single thread, even a timeout of 0 would suffice to make sure that shellDBusService is initialized.


The result is a much simpler extension that should hopefully be easier to maintain. The entire rewrite is available on GitHub Codeberg, including an updated preferences panel that makes use of libhandy.